Effects of imidazoline-like drugs on liver and adipose tissues- and their role in preventing obesity and associated cardio-metabolic disorders

G Aubertin, M Weiss, F Traversi, D Benameur et al

Laboratoire de Pharmacologie et Toxicologie NeuroCardiovasculaire (LPTNC) - EA7296, FacultŽ de MŽdecine, FŽdŽration de MŽdecine Translationnelle, UniversitŽ de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France

International Journal of Obesity

We previously observed that selective agonists of the sympatho-inhibitory I1 imidazoline receptors (LNP ligands) have favorable effects on several cardiovascular and metabolic disorders defining the metabolic syndrome, including body weight. The objectives of this study were to explore the effects of LNPs on adiposity and the mechanisms involved, and to evaluate their impact on metabolic homeostasis.

BIOSEB Instruments Used:
Non Invasive Pressure Measurement (LE5001),Non Invasive Pressure Measurement (LE5007)


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