Early postnatal soluble FGFR3 therapy prevents the atypical development of obesity in achondroplasia

C Saint-Laurent , S Garcia , V Sarrazy, K Dumas, F Authier, S Sore, A Tran, P Gual, I Gennero, J-P Salles, E Gouze

Université Côte d’Azur, CHU, Inserm, C3M, Nice, France


Achondroplasia is a rare genetic disease is characterized by abnormal bone development and early obesity. While the bone aspect of the disease has been thoroughly studied, early obesity affecting approximately 50% of them during childhood has been somewhat neglected. It nevertheless represents a major health problem in these patients, and is associated to life-threatening complications including increasing risk of cardiovascular pathologies. We have thus decided to study obesity in patients and to use the mouse model to evaluate if soluble FGFR3 therapy, an innovative treatment approach for achondroplasia, could also impact the development of this significant complication.

BIOSEB Instruments Used:
OXYLET, Indirect Calorimeter (OXYLET)


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