Assessment of neurotoxicity following repeated cremophor and ethanol injections in rats-

N. Authier, J.-P. Gillet, J. Fialip, A. Eschalier, F. Coudore.

Université d’ Auvergne (INSERM EMI 9904), Laboratoire de Toxicologie, Equipe NeuroPsychoPharmacologie, Clermont-Ferrand, France.

Neurotoxicity Research

As the mixture cremophor/ethanol is known to have side-effects affecting the peripheral nervous system, we have assessed its behavioural and morphological neurotoxicity after repeated intraperitoneal injections in male Sprague Dawley rats. Clinical status of the animals was good throughout the experiment and no motor deficits were observed. Nevertheless, sensory testing demonstrated an hyperalgesia and an allodynia to mechanical stimuli, associated to peripheral axon degeneration.

BIOSEB Instruments Used:
Grip strength test (BIO-GS3)

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