Effects of glia metabolism inhibition on nociceptive behavioral testing in rats

Lefèvre Y, Amadio A, Vincent P, Descheemaeker A, Oliet SH, Dallel R, Voisin DL

Neurocentre Magendie, Inserm U1215, F-33000 Bordeaux, France; Univ. Bordeaux, F-33000 Bordeaux, France.

Data Brief.

Fluoroacetate has been widely used to inhibit glia metabolism in vivo. It has yet to be shown what the effects of chronic intrathecal infusion of fluoroacetate on nociceptive behavioral testing are. The effects of chronic infusion of fluoroacetate (5 nmoles/h) for 2 weeks were examined in normal rats. Chronic intrathecal fluoroacetate did not alter mechanical threshold (von Frey filaments), responses to supra-threshold mechanical stimuli (von Frey filaments), responses to hot (hot plate) or cool (acetone test) stimuli and did not affect motor performance of the animals, which was tested with rotarod. This suggests that fluoroacetate at appropriate dose did not suppress neuronal activity in the spinal cord.

BIOSEB Instruments Used:
Cold Hot Plate Test (BIO-CHP)

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