S Zhao, F Wang, L Wang et al
The Third Hospital of HebeiMedical University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, China.
Brain and Behavior
Brachial plexus avulsion significantly increased brain-derived neu rotrophic factor (BDNF) release in the spinal cord. Here we investigated the involve ment of the BDNFÐTrkBÐKCC2 pathway in neuropathic pain caused by BPA injury. We hypothesized that activation of BDNFÐTrkB may inhibit neuronal excitability by down regulating KCC2 to maintain a high intracellular Cl-concentration. We established a neuropathic pain rat model by avulsion of the lower trunk brachial plexus, and inves tigated the effects of the TrkB-specific antibody K-252a on the expression of BDNF, TrkB, and KCC2
BIOSEB Instruments Used:
Electronic Von Frey 5 with embedded camera (BIO-EVF5),Electronic Von Frey 4 (BIO-EVF4)