Modeling Autism Spectrum Disorders Motor Deficits in Mice

Pierre L. Roubertoux, Catherine Bartoli

INSERM, Aix Marseille Université, France


The prevalence of deficit of motor deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) reaches 80 % leading several authors to consider the deficits as an associated syndrome. The deficit impacts the development resulting in a general motor delay. Different adult features are affected in patients that present hypotonia as the more frequent characteristics. Coordination is impaired as well as praxis. Balance deficits and gait particularities as toe-walking are reported but they reach a lower frequency. If ASD patients have a high probability to present at least one motor deficit, the same pattern of motor traits is not impacted similarly in the patients. This is the consequence of the heterogeneity of the diseases included in the ASD category. The awkwardness caused by these deficits and potential alleviation incite to analyze motor deficits in mice models of ASD. The chapter considers motor development modeling from birth to weaning and hypotonia and deficits in coordination, balance, and gait in adult.

BIOSEB Instruments Used:
Grip strength test (BIO-GS3)

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