Prg4 prevents osteoarthritis induced by dominant-negative interference of TGF-ß signaling in mice

RD Chavez, P Sohn, R Serra

Department of Cell, Developmental, and Integrative Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Alabama, United States of America


Objective Prg4, also known as Lubricin, acts as a joint/boundary lubricant. Prg4 has been used to prevent surgically induced osteoarthritis (OA) in mice. Surgically induced OA serves as a good model for post-traumatic OA but is not ideal for recapitulating age-related OA. Reduced expression of the TGF-_ type II receptor (TGF_R2) is associated with age-related OA in clinical samples, so we previously characterized a mouse model that exhibits OA due to expression of a mutated dominant-negative form of TGF_R2 (DNIIR). Prg4 expression was significantly reduced in DNIIR mice. Furthermore, we showed that Prg4 was a transcriptional target of TGF-

BIOSEB Instruments Used:
Automatic Foot misplacement apparatus (BIO-FMA)


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