Characterization of NFH-LacZ transgenic mice with the SHIRPA primary screening battery and tests of motor coordination- exploratory activity- and spatial learning-

R. Lalonde, J. Eyer, V. Wunderle, C. Strazielle.

Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie, Université de Rouen, INSERM EMI 9906, Rouen, France ; CHUM/Hôtel-Dieu, Service de Neurologie, Montreal, Canada ; Université d’Angers, Laboratoire de Neurobiologie et Transgénèse, Angers, France ; Faculté de Médecine, L

Behavioural Processes

NFH-LacZ transgenic mice express a fusion protein between a truncated form of the endogenous neurofilament of heavy molecular weight and the complete E. coli _-galactosidase. NFH-LacZ transgenic mice could be distinguished from controls in the SHIRPA neurological battery by the appearance of action tremor and hindlimb clasping and a lower body weight. Despite normal exploratory activity and spatial learning, NFH-LacZ transgenic mice were deficient in stationary beam, coat-hanger, and rotorod tests of motor coordination. These results are concordant with neuropathological findings in spinal motoneurons and the cerebellum and indicate that despite the absence of paralysis, these transgenic mice may serve as an experimental model of the early stage of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

BIOSEB Instruments Used:
Acquisition software: ACTITRACK (ACTITRACK),Infrared Actimeter (LE8815)


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