The anxiolytic-like activity of a novel N-cycloalkyl-N-benzoylpiperazine derivative

Daniel Jan Struba, Kinga Sa?at, Tadeusz Librowskic, Stanis?aw Lochy?skia, Magdalena Gawe?, Adrian Podkowab

Department of Bioorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Wroc?aw University of Technology, Wroc?aw, Poland

Pharmacological Reports

Anxiety-related disorders are among the most common mental illnesses in the world for which benzodiazepines, buspirone and antidepressant drugs remain the first-line treatment. These drugs have good efficacy but they have numerous disadvantages, such as drug abuse potential, delayed onset of action or tolerance. A literature review reveals that a variety of piperazine derivatives may exhibit interesting pharmacological properties, including anxiolytic-like, antidepressant, nootropic and antinociceptive activities demonstrated in animal models, as well as an antioxidant capacity shown in some in vitro tests. Hence, the aim of this study was the synthesis and preliminary pharmacological in vivo evaluation of a novel N-cycloalkyl-N-benzoylpiperazine derivative, compound 9.

BIOSEB Instruments Used:
Aron Test or Four Plates Test (LE830)


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