European Federation Krakow Pain School- a great meeting-

European Federation Krakow Pain School- a great meeting-

Bioseb would like to thank the European Federation Krakow Pain School for the professional, and always friendly, organisation of the first European Federation Krakow Pain School Meeting.

The Translation Pain Event : from Lab to Clinic, which happened from the 5th to th 9th of July in Krakow, Poland, gathered the highest Specialists on Pain and selected high-profile Pain students for lectures and practical workshops. One of the workshops involved the Dynamic Weight Bearing, a Bioseb innovation, which has become a gold-standard equipment for Pain evaluation!

This event was the occasion for us to demonstrate Bioseb's practical expertise in Pain research specifically on rodent, with the presentation of a wide range of instruments for basic and advanced research.

The European Federation Krakow Pain School was not only appreciated for the quality of the lectures and participants' discussions: Anne did also really enjoy the warm evening atmosphere of Krakow during the guided tour.

We wish the European Federation Krakow Pain School all the best, with the hope that this event will be the first of a long and successful story!

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