An entirely modular experimental enclosure designed to conduct operant conditioning procedures (e.g. food reinforcement, DMTS, conflict...
Learning/Memory - Attention - Addiction
Novel Object Recognition Test 3D
A brand new innovative setup for the automation of the Novel Object Recognition Test : 3D-camera based technology is now...
Open Field Arena
Open-field test - ARENA ONLY - used to evaluate of animal's basal activity and its evolution for rodents (rats and mice) in...
Operant & Behavior Modular System
An entirely modular experimental enclosure designed to conduct operant conditioning procedures (e.g. food reinforcement, DMTS,...
Place Preference Cage
A standard experimental chamber for automated or manual assessment of conditioned place preference and aversion in rodents...
Shuttle Boxes
Ideal environment to carry out conditioned reflexes
(Active and Passive Avoidance)
in learning and memory studies
(Active and Passive Avoidance)
in learning and memory studies
MAZESOFT-8 software
Complete and easy-to-use software for monitoring radial maze experiments, using photo-electrical cells technology for animal...
5-9 holes attention processes box
The 9-hole box is commonly used to evaluate attention performance using a visual discrimination task in laboratory animals....
Passive avoidance
Fear-motivated tests classically used to assess short-term or long-term memory on small laboratory animals
Startle and Fear System
A polyvalent system for conducting both fear conditioning and startle reflex experiments
Spatial place preference Test
An experimental chamber developed with the aim to optimise place preference and aversion studies in small laboratory...