Four-plate-test- Publications

Bioseb team presents its respectful thanks to the following research groups, who used its instruments during their recent studies:

Effects of benzodiazepinic and GABAergic ligands on the anxiolytic-like activity of antidepressants in the four-plate test in mice
(Poster presented at the Congrès P2T Physiology, Pharmacology and Thérapeutics in Toulouse, April 2007)
This work by Hascoet, Dubois et al. presents results obtained using the ARON 4 Plates Test from Bioseb during research on anxiety by mice. They could demonstrate the clear effect of GABAergic system on citalopram, paroxetine, venlafaxine and milnaciprane mechanisms of action.

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Triggering factors for the abolishment of benzodiazepines effects in the four-plate test-retest
(Poster presented at the Congrès P2T Physiology, Pharmacology and Thérapeutics in Toulouse, April 2007)
The research team of B. Petit-Demoulière, M. Hascoet, M. Bourin et al could show, using the Four-Plate Test from Bioseb, a one-trial tolerance phenomenon for benzodiazepine.

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