Modular Rack Measurement Instruments

Reference : SYS6-CBI
Modular instrument which permit the simultaneous measurement of several physiological variables in experimental animals -
build a system matching your specific needs



Two versatile systems were designed to be easily reconfigured or upgraded by the user to meet a wide range of experimental protocols: System 6 and CBI Instrumentation System. For each system, different chassis and modules are available for matching your specific needs.

icone-oper.gifOperating principle

System 6 encompasses a group of advanced cardiovascular measurement instruments for use in acute and chronic experimental preparations. Using high precision modular building blocks housed in a sophisticated chassis, the physiologist can design a configuration to meet the specific requirements of investigative protocols in his/her own laboratory. The modules cover all the traditional measurement capabilities such as ECG, heart rate and blood pressure. But the true power of System 6 lies in the innovative capabilities provided by the sonomicrometer, the active redirection transit time flowmeter and Doppler blood flow velocity units. All elements have been developed by Bioseb-Triton's in-house team of design engineers with years of industrial and research experience. For complete system control, all display and selector switches are located on the mainframe front panel.

The combination of precision-built transducers, reliable and accurate electronics, and Bioseb-Triton's unparalleled support guarantees your measurement success.

All timing, synchronization circuits and power supplies are built into the Mainframe Chassis (200-200) which holds up to six modules. The backpanel provides a patchfield for signal outputs/inputs to recorders, an oscilloscope connection, and an NMR spectroscopy connection. An Expansion Chassis (200-199) for up to 6 modules can be added. You may also chose our TwinPak Chassis (200-198) that holds one or two modules which do not require the timing signals (204, 206, 207 and 257 modules).


Following 'System 6' modules are available to meet all your physiological research needs:

ReferenceModule Description
Doppler Displacement Module, 10Mhz or 20Mhz
This unit measures myocardial wall thickening using a single epicardial path transducer. This technique minimizes trauma to underlying layers of the myocardium. Integrator can be reset manually or at fixed time intervals, by transducer-sensed electrogram or external trigger signal. Use 10 for large hearts and 20 MHz for smaler hearts.
200-204Dual Pressure Amplifier Module
Measures intravascular blood pressure using Konigsberg implantable pressure transducers, pressure catheters, and extracorporeal gauges. Two independent amplifiers provide both instantaneous and mean output signals. Contains internal reference calibration bridge.
200-205Pressure & dP/dt ModuleMeasures blood pressure and its time derivative from a single transducer. Will operate with Konigsberg implantable pressure transducers, pressure catheters, and extracorporeal gauges. Features internal reference calibration bridge and dP/dt calibration.
200-206Active Redirection Transit Time Flow Module
Operates on transit time principles to measure cardiac output (volume blood flow) using implantable X-probes and C-probes. For use 306 & 307 series probes.
200-210Dual Flowmeter (Standalone) -A, -B, or -C
This stand-alone bench top unit allows you to mix and match the flow meters of your choice:
- A = two Large flowmeters (200-206) ,
-B = one Large flowmeter (200-206)+ one Small flowmeter (200-257),
-C = two Small flowmeter (200-257).
This unit includes external gating for NMR and external synchronization capabilities.
This EKG unit monitors limb lead signals - leads I, II, III, aVR, aVL, and aVF, as selected by the front panel selector switch. The unit also has selectable baseline restoration time-constant and dual 'line frequency' notch filters (50/60Hz & 100/120Hz).
200-257Small Vessel Transit Time Flow Module
Operates on transit time principles to measure volume blood flow using Series 367 implantable probes.



CBI INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEMThe CBI System is a modular instrumentation system based on the units which were originally developed by Craig Hartley at Baylor University and subsequently marketed by Valpey Fisher, Crystal Biotech, Harvard Apparatus, Data Sciences and Indus Instruments. Bioseb-Triton Technology has repackaged many of our well known System 6 family of modules into the CBI format. This gives users of older systems the opportunity to up-grade their systems with newer designs such as the ARTT (ART2) Ultrasonic Volume Flowmeter Modules.

icone-oper.gifOperating principle

The CBI System encompasses a group of advanced cardiovascular measurement instruments for use in acute and chronic experimental preparations. Using high precision modular building blocks housed in a compact chassis, the physiologist can design a configuration to meet the specific requirements of investigative protocols in his/her own laboratory.

Chassis are available in several sizes: 6-Channel (300-200), 3-Channel (300-100) and a very compact 2-Module chassis (300-198).

Several of the modules cover all the traditional measurement capabilities such as ECG, heart rate and blood pressure. But the true power of CBI System lies in the innovative capabilities provided by the sonomicrometer, the ART2 Volume Flowmeter and Doppler Blood Flow Velocity units. All elements have been designed and developed by Bioseb-Triton's in-house team of design engineers.

The combination of precision-built transducers, reliable and accurate electronics, and Bioseb-Triton's unparalleled support guarantees your measurement success with the CBI System.


Following 'CBI' modules are available to meet all your physiological research needs:

ReferenceModule Description
300-201Length Gauge 'Sonomicrometer' Module
Uses transit time ultrasound technology to measure cardiac dimensions such as wall thickness, muscle length, heart diameter and other soft tissue dimensions related to muscle function. Works with 3-20 Mhz transducers.
High Velocity Doppler Flowmeter Module ( 10 or 20 MHz )
Measures blood flow velocity in vessels using Doppler ultrasound. Features a patented noise reduction circuit, and a true end-to-end calibration derived from quartz crystal master clock. The 10Mhz units sample at 62.5kHz to minimize the chance of aliasing, while the 20Mhz units sample at 125kHz. The 20MHz units can be used on blood vessels up to 6mm, while the 10MHZ units can be used up to 12mm.
Single Crystal Displacement Module ( 10 or 20 MHz )
This module is used to measure ventricular thickening from a single epicardial transducer, thus eliminating the need for any intramyocardial crystals. Rather than tracking one layer, it measures thickening at a fixed depth from the epicardial surface as selected by the range gate delay. Thickening fraction is estimated by dividing the measured thickening (in mm) by the range gate depth (also in mm) which can be set to any depth from the subepicardium to the subendocardium. Although it doesn't measure absolute thickness, it is much easier to use than the two crystal method, and has been very useful in evaluating regional ventricular function in studies of ischemia and reperfusion. Resolution is 0.02 (0.01) mm with a maximum measurable thickening of 5 (2.5) mm at a maximum depth of 4 (1.2) cm at 10 (20) MHz.
300-204Pressure & dP/dt Module
Measures intravascular blood pressure using Konigsberg implantable pressure transducers,as well as all other pressure catheters, and extracorporeal gauges. Two independent amplifiers provide both instantaneous and mean output signals. Contains internal reference calibration bridge.
300-205Pressure & dP/dt Module
Measures blood pressure and its time derivative from a single transducer. Will operate with Konigsberg implantable pressure transducers, pressure catheters, and extracorporeal gauges. Features internal reference calibration bridge and dP/dt calibration.
300-206Active Redirection Transit Time Flow Module
Operates on transit time principles to measure cardiac output (volume blood flow) using Triton's implantable X-probes and C-probes. For use 306 series probes.
This EKG module monitors limb lead EKG signals - leads I, II, III, aVR, aVL, and aVF, selected by the front panel selector switch. The unit also has selectable baseline restoration time-constant and dual 'line frequency' notch-filters (50/60Hz & 100/120Hz).
300-257Small Vessel Transit Time Flow Module
Operates on transit time principles to measure volume blood flow using Triton Series 367implantable probes.

Note: A Sonomicrometer Master module (300-102) is required for either the 3 or 6 channel mainframes whenever a Sonomicrometer is being used.

Note: Please have a look at our complete selection of doppler probes for all your most accurate flow measurements: Doppler Flow Cuffs, Special Doppler Flow Transducers... a downloadable catalogue is available for all probes.

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