Allergenic responses of red kidney bean -Phaseolus vulgaris cv chitra- polypeptides in BALB and c mice recognized by bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis patients-

S. Kumar, A.K. Verma, A. Misra, A. Tripathi, B. Chaudhari et al

CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research (CSIR-IITR), Food Toxicology Division, Lucknow, INDE

Food research International

Allergenicity potential of red kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris cv chitra) was assessed and attempts were made to identify the responsible proteins by pepsin digestibility assay and IgE immunoblotting. To evaluate allergenic potential, BALB/c mice were sensitized with red kidney bean proteins and levels of specific immunoglobulin, histamine, mast cell protease-1, cytokines and CCL-2 were measured. To confirm our findings in BALB/c, the studies were also extended to human subjects. Human sera collected from control subjects and allergic patients after skin prick test were used for IgE immunoblotting, measuring the levels of total and specific IgE and determining cross reactivity of red kidney bean with other legumes. Red kidney bean allergenic potential was evident by significant increase in specific IgE, IgG1, histamine, mast cell protease-1 and Th2 cytokine levels in comparison to control. Enhanced level of eosinophils in jejunum, prominent anaphylactic symptoms, and eruptive histopathological changes give indication towards red kidney beans allergenicity. IgE immunoblotting detected five protein components with molecular weights of approximately 170, 100, 43, 34 and 20 kDa. Red kidney bean proteins showed cross reactivity with peanut, soybean, chickpea and black gram. Finally, this work demonstrated that red kidney beans may induce allergic response in mice similar to human subjects, with identification of five clinically relevant allergenic protein components.

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