Learning/Memory - Attention - Addiction

Since 1998, Bioseb has been a key player in neuroscience, developing innovative in-vivo solutions to study cognitive functions, memory, and substance-related behaviors in rodents (primarily mice and rats). These devices are critical for studying neuroplasticity, attention mechanisms, and the effects of addictive substances on behavior. Read more >

There are 20 products.

Showing 1-12 of 20 item(s)

Open Field Arena

Open-field test - ARENA ONLY - used to evaluate of animal's basal activity and its evolution for rodents (rats and mice) in...


    Easy to use instrument for mice
    Connexion to PC available

      Place Preference Cage

      A standard experimental chamber for automated or manual assessment of conditioned place preference and aversion in rodents...

        Shuttle Boxes

        Ideal environment to carry out conditioned reflexes
        (Active and Passive Avoidance)
        in learning and memory studies

          MAZESOFT-8 software

          Complete and easy-to-use software for monitoring radial maze experiments, using photo-electrical cells technology for animal...


            Popular test for the investigation of spatial learning and memory

              Passive avoidance

              Fear-motivated tests classically used to assess short-term or long-term memory on small laboratory animals

                Spatial place preference Test

                An experimental chamber developed with the aim to optimise place preference and aversion studies in small laboratory...