A unique setup for the automation of the Open Field test for rats and mice : 3D-camera based technology is now capable of direct height...
A unique setup for the automation of the Open Field test for rats and mice : 3D-camera based technology is now capable of direct height...
Discover our productsThe uncomplicated way to monitor rodent activity over several days from their home cage without manual effort. Based only on weight analysis, Bioseb's ACTIVMETER is an innovative actimeter that measures accurately Activity and Locomotion of rodents (mice and rats) whatever the lights conditions.
Bioseb has developed a really simple-to-use and miniature actimetry system. The instrument uses weight to measure the locomotion and includes exhaustive functions to quantify rodent activity over short or long periods of time. The actimeter is usually set over up to 48 hours to quantify the activity over the circadian cycle.
With a very competitive pricing for 1 to 8 cages, it is a 'must' when you need to simply quantify the locomotor phenotype of your mice and rats. The ACTIVMETER allows the accurate measurement of the rodent's activity in its familiar environment using the animal's ‘Home Cage' (including grid, pellets and bottle), and it can also be used in any other kind of environment (open field, etc.). Operating principle
The Bioseb Activmeter uses 4 force sensors located at the 4 corners of the cage in order to precisely measure the movements of the animal with a precision of 1 centimeter. The fine analysis, in grams, of the distribution of forces on these sensors allows not only a measurement of the mobile activity of the animal but also of the immobile activity (grooming etc..). In addition, the software integrates algorithms to eliminate various biases such as litter movement in the cage and allows to follow the animal whatever the environmental conditions (food, drink, light...).
Why should you use Bioseb ActivMeter BIO-ACTIV2 ?
Homecage Monitoring
• No curiosity bias or habituation
• No surgery
• Use platform with mice or rat cages
Space Saving
• Small footprint saves bench/rack space
• Up to 8 platforms connect to a single data interface and PC
Activity Expressed in Real Terms
• Distance (cm) & duration (s)
• No “count” or arbitrary units
Longitudinal Data Collection in All Light Conditions
• Up to 48hr slice of life
Multi-Format Data Display
• 3 states recognized : immobile/slow movement/fast movement
• Data Table, Actigraph, Heat Map, Nest Drawing
Data sheet
Number of publications:
An easy way to objectively quantify the muscular strength of mice and rats, and to assess the effect of drugs, toxins,...
The BIOSEB Spontaneous Activity Wheel is an easy way to quantify rodent voluntary activity in their home cage environment....
These small animal treadmills are used for forced exercise training and accurate testing of fatigue in rodents. The control...