Bioseb team presents its respectful thanks to research team of Prof. Poisbeau (Institut des Neurosciences Cellulaires et Intégratives de Strasbourg), who used its instruments during its recent studies:
Functional exploration by radiotelemetry of freely moving rats exhibiting pain symptoms following carrageenan intraplantar injection
(Poster presented during the Neurosciences Congress in Montpellier, France, May 2007)
Charlet, Rajalu, Rodeau, and Poisbeau, using BIOSEB Cold+Hot Plate Test, could demonstrate that pain symptoms observed after acarrageenan injection are associated with significant locomotor impairment, postural disquilibrium and hyperthermia. They could also show that radiotelemetry of physiological/autonomic functions, used as a complement to Bioseb Cold+Hot Plate Test, was a useful technique to study pain reactions in freely moving animals.
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