New iWorx-Bioseb Catalog 2007-2008 Catalog

New iWorx-Bioseb Catalog 2007-2008 Catalog
The New iWorx-Bioseb catalog 2007-2008 (english version) is available for download on! A large line of full systems and components for physiological research is at your disposal, which you may also consult online on our website (click here to access the online catalog)

An exclusivity for registred users, the PDF catalog can be easily and quickly downloaded as follows:

1. Click here to access the catalog request page..
2. If you are not registred on Bioseb website yet, please use the registration form - if you are already a registred user, please go directly to step 3..
3. Enter the e-mail address used for your registration.
4. You will receive a download link by e-mail for the iWorx-Bioseb catalog as soon as our team will have processed your request.

Publication request

Thank you for your interest in our product range and your request for this publication, which will be sent to you if the research team and the journal allow it. Our commercial team will contact you as soon as possible.