Aluminum exposure for 60 days at an equivalent human dietary level promotes peripheral dysfunction in rats

C Silveira Martinez, G Vera, JA Uranga Ocio, F Maciel Peçanha, D Valentim Vassallo, M Miguel, G Alessandra Wiggers

Universidade Federal do Pampa, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Journal of inorganic Biochemistry

Aluminum (Al) is a neurotoxic associated with a number of chronic human diseases. We investigated the effects of Al exposure at doses similar to human dietary levels and at a high level exposure to Al on the peripheral nervous system. Wistar male rats were divided into two major groups and received orally: 1) First group – Low level - rats were subdivided and treated for 60 days: a) Control – received ultrapure water; b) AlCl3 – received Al at 8.3 mg/kg body weight (bw) for 60 days; and 2) Second group – High level - rats were subdivided and treated for 42 days: C) Control – received ultrapure water through oral gavage; d) AlCl3 – received Al at 100 mg/kg bw for 42 days. Von Frey hair test, plantar test, the presence of catalepsy and the spontaneous motor activity were investigated. Reactive oxygen species, lipid peroxidation and total antioxidant capacity, immunohistochemistry to investigate the nerve inflammation and, the specific presence of Al in the sciatic nerve fibers were investigated. Al exposure at a representative human dietary level promotes the development of mechanical allodynia, catalepsy, increased inflammation in the sciatic nerve, systemic oxidative stress and, is able to be retained in the sciatic nerve. The effects of low-dose Al were similar to those found in rats exposed to Al at a dose much higher (100 mg/kg). Our findings suggest that Al may be considered toxic for the peripheral nervous system, thus inducing peripheral dysfunction.

BIOSEB Instruments Used:
Von Frey Filaments (Bio-VF-M)

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