42th Meeting of the French Society for Neuroendocrinology:
Thank you from Bioseb
Thank you from Bioseb
Bioseb's team is proud and happy to have participated to the 42th Meeting of the French Society for Neuroendocrinology in Dijon from the 18th until the 21st of September.
We really enjoyed the high-quality discussions and posters, as well as the network of warm and enthusiastic researchers, during a very well organized event by the SNE (Société Française de Neuroendocrinologie), which ended with a dinner at the Cellier de Clervaux in a casino-like ambiance - to the great satisfaction of all guests.
Among numerous highlights during the meeting, we would like to emphasize two events:
• Bioseb's participation as a sponsor to the ceremony rewarding young researchers having showed great talent in their oral communication.
• A brand new poster from Bioseb regarding our products range on Metabolism.

Young researchers having showed great talent in their oral communication, and poster presenting Bioseb's range on Metabolism