A unique setup for the automation of the Open Field test for rats and mice : 3D-camera based technology is now capable of direct height...
A unique setup for the automation of the Open Field test for rats and mice : 3D-camera based technology is now capable of direct height...
Discover our products Bioseb is proud to be present at all major upcoming scientific meetings, and looking forward to meeting you there!
Our sales team will be very pleased to demonstrate the whole range of exclusive instruments recently developed by our R&D teams. Please visit Bioseb's booth on following scientific meetings:
We are happy to be by your side as the traditional Symposium of the French Pain Research [...]
Bioseb is looking forward to meeting you at the Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting [...]
Read more to know how our instruments were featured in "E=M6"
It's been quite a year by your side.... From Tampa to San Diego over Berlin, Marseille, Paris [...]
Bioseb is looking forward to meeting you at the SFN 2022 Meeting held in San Diego, Nov 13-16, [...]
Bioseb is looking forward to meeting you at the IASP World Congress on Pain held in Toronto, [...]
Bioseb is looking forward to meeting you on booth #19 at the FENS Meeting 2022 held in Paris, [...]
From Animal Care Facilies to Laboratory Bench : all solutions are on Booth#64 - Bioseb & [...]
Bioseb is joining ORS 2022 Annual Meeting starting this Friday 4th of February!
We are excited to introduce our latest instruments at SFN 2021 on our virtual booth!