Bioseb team presents its respectful thanks to research teams of Prof. David (Université Paris-Sud) and Prof. Samuels (Columbia University, New York), who used the Activ_Meter (Actimeter for Rodents) during their recent studies:
Behavioral Effects of Fluoxetine in an Animal Model of Anxiety/Depression Are Mediated by Both Neurogenesis-Dependent and -Independent Mechanisms, by DJ. David, BA. Samuels, Q. Rainer, JW. Wang et al., in Neuron, 62, 2009
(Click here to download this article as a PDF file)
Using Bioseb's Activ_Meter (Actimeter for Rodents), DJ. David, BA. Samuels, Q. Rainer, JW. Wang et al could describe a mouse model of an anxiety/depressive-like state induced by chronic corticosterone treatment, and showed that chronic antidepressant treatment reversed the behavioral dysfunctions and the inhibition of hippocampal neurogenesis induced by corticosterone treatment. Home cage activity was quantified using the ActiV-Meter (Bioseb, France) over a 24 hours period. During the experiment, food and water were provided ad libitum. Various parameters such as activity time (sec), ambulatory distance (cm) and inactivity duration (calculated from the difference between immobility and motionless activity duration while the animal is eating or scratching) were recorded.
These results demonstrate the interest of Bioseb's Bioseb's ActiV_Meter (Actimeter for rodents) for monitoring activity and locomotion of rodents (mouse and rat) in the home cage.
Click here to know more about Bioseb's ActiV_Meter (Actimeter for rodents)

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