PresentationOur most flexible instrumentation system.
Up to six function modules fit into each rack-mountable card-cage.Available modules include bioamplifiers, transducer amplifiers, cardiotachometers, counters, filters, and more.
Plug-in modulesTo use this product, modules are available to suit your needs.
BMA-931 Bioamplifier
High-performance, low-noise AC/DC preamplifier for a variety of biopotentialrecordings. Its wide bandwidth, sharp cutoff bandpass filters, and stable DCresponse make this the ideal choice for EMG, ENG, ECG, and all extracellularapplications. Compatible with the SUPER-Z High-impedance head-stage, and theISO-Z Isolation Amplifier head-stage for safe human recording. A variety of electrodes and accessories is available.
Standard Features:Low-noise, DC-50kHz response, bandpass filters, adjustable DC offset
Applications:EMG, ENG, ECG, EOG and other extracellular recording
PM-1000 Transducer Amplifier
Versatile amplifier for DC bridge-type transducers, including pressure, force,and acceleration. Works directly with most resistive bridge and solid-state transducers.Features very low drift and adjustable DC excitation voltage. Its wide sensitivity range, built-in low-pass filters (including mean pressure), and industry standard input connector make the PM-1000 ideal for most transducer applications.It can also be used as a stable differential DC preamplifier.
Standard Features:• Low-noise, DC-5kHz response, stable balancing, low drift, GrassTM compatible
• Fine control of sensitivity with stepwise setting and continuous attenuator
Applications:Blood pressure, airway pressure, force, acceleration, differential DC amp
PA-931 Transducer Amplifier
Inexpensive, easy to use DC bridge amplifier for a variety of transducer applications.Features wide gain range and 3-position low-pass filter. Directly compatiblewith GrassTM pressure and force transducers. Ten-turn dials are provided forsetting sensitivity and balance.
Standard Features:DC-5kHz response, stable balance adjustment, low-drift, GrassTM compatible
Applications:Blood pressure, airway pressure, force measurements
MA-1000 Moving Averager
The Moving Averager is used to quantify nerve and muscle electrical activity.This module comprises an adjustable gain input amplifier, precision full-wave rectifier, and selectable time-constant Moving Averager (Paynter Filter). The larger the time constant, the greater the smoothing effect of the filter. Standard time constants are 50, 100, and 200mS; the values most often used for EMG and ENG recording. Other values between 10mS and 500mS are available and can be installed by the user via convenient plug-in modules.
Standard Features:• Pushbutton time constant selection, adjustable gain and output offset
• Rectified and Moving Average outputs, switchable AC or DC coupling
Applications:Nerve and muscle electrical activity measurement
TM-1000 Temperature Measurement Module
This microprocessor-based module accepts standard YSI-400 series thermistorprobes for measurements in the range 0 - 50oC, or 32 - 122oF. Temperature is displayed on a digital readout in degrees C or F, and an analog output is provided for external recording. A built-in high/low adjustable provides and audible warning if the monitored temperature goes outside the alarm settings.
Standard Features:• 4-digit display, 12-bit D/A output, selectable for display of °C or °F
• Adjustable high and low alarm
Applications:Monitoring body temperature or bath temperature
DC-936 Six-channel DC Buffer Amplifier
This module provides six independent DC buffer amplifiers, each withadjustable gain, offset, and polarity. These amplifiers are used to boost, attenuate, offset, or invert signals going from one piece of equipment to another. Typical applications include adjusting signal levels for data acquisition systems. Gain and offset are set using screwdriver-adjust potentiometers. Once you have one of these, you will find it indispensible!
Standard Features:Adjustable gain 0.1 - 10X, +10V DC offset, invert/non-invert, BNC jacks
Applications:Interfacing to data acquisition systems, general purpose signal manipulation
CT-1000 Cardiotachometer
The CT-1000 is an advanced, microprocessor-based instrument for the accuratemeasurement of heart rate and beat-to-beat interval measurement. It has abuilt-in medical-grade isolation amplifier for direct ECG electrodes, and alsoaccepts high-level signals such as arterial BP. The CT-1000 features one buttonsetup and automatic tracking of signal levels. Outputs available are: amplifiedECG, R-wave logic signal, and analog rate (or interval) output signal.
Standard Features:• R-wave detection, rate or interval updated on each beat
• Direct, isolated ECG electrode inputs or BP signal input
Applications:Accurate heart rate and R-R interval measurement
RIC-1000 Rate/Interval Counter
The RIC-1000 is a versatile instrument for measuring the frequency or intervalof pulse-type events. A crystal timebase provides resolution to 100uS. Thecount can be updated continuously, or at the end of each interval (sample/hold).This allows histogram frequency displays or trend lines. The RIC-1000 requiresonly the input signal to function; no external gating or reset pulses are required.The wide-range timebase allows measurements over five decades, or more usingthe external clock input.The RIC-1000 makes the perfect companion to the WD-1000 Window Discriminator.
Standard Features:• 4-digit display, 12-bit D/A output, wide timing range, flexible counting modes
• Positive/negative trigger select, Schmitt trigger input
Applications:Nerve firing frequency, general purpose rate or interval measurement
WD-1000 Time/Amplitude Window Discriminator
The window discriminator is used to separate single neuron action potentialsfrom multi-unit recordings. It can operate as a classic voltage amplitude windowdiscriminator, or as a time/amplitude discriminator. In the latter mode, the signal must fall within a voltage and an adjustable time window. This permits separating similar pulses that differ only in timing. Outputs are available from both window levels, a data output, and an independent trigger output for synchronizing the oscilloscope trace. These outputs allow simultaneous discrimination of three signals.
Standard Features:• Voltage or time/amplitude window, multiplexer and scope trig outputs
• Separate outputs for each level crossing
Applications:Discrimination of single units from multi-unit recordings
ALM-932 Two-Channel Alarm/Monitor
Monitors the output of any two channels in the card-cage, and signals an alarmcondition if preset limits are exceeded. Adjustable high and low alarms are provided for each channel. LED indicators show which alarm condition exists, and a beeper (switchable) provides an audible warning. Digital meters show signal voltage, which can be calibrated to reflect “real-world” measurements. Logic outputs are provided for all alarms, and are accessible on the rear edge-card connector.
Standard Features:• Wide input range, adjustable high and low alarms
• Logic outputs for external control or monitoring of alarms
Applications:• Blood pressure, heart rate limit alarms
• Body temperature, expired CO2 alarms
DF-932 Two-Channel Differentiator
Two channel processor that produces the first derivative of the input signal.Useful in cardiac studies for creating dP/dt of pressure waveforms.The secondderivative (acceleration) can be produced by cascading the two channels. Ten calibrated sensitivity settings cover the range 20 - 200V/s, where each setting corresponds to the input slope required to produce 1V output.
Standard Features:• Wide sensitivity range
• Two independent channels, can be cascaded for acceleration studies
Applications:• Cardiac output, blood flow studies
• Volume to flow conversion
BPF-932 Two-Channel Bandpass Filter
High-performance bandpass filter. High-pass settings from DC to 100Hz.Low-pass settings 10Hz to 50kHz. Uses 2-pole active filters with Butterworthresponse for minimum amplitude distortions in passband. Overall gain is jumperselectable for X1 or X10. Useful for filtering transducer signals to reduce high-frequency noise, and for selective filtering of biopotentials such as EMG or EEG.
Standard Features:• High-pass settings: DC, 0.1, 3, 10, 30, and 100Hz
• Low-pass settings: 10, 100, 300Hz, 1, 10, 50kHz
• -12dB/octave cutoff slope
Applications:• Transducer conditioning
• Filtering of EMG and other biopotentials
• Cleaning up signals prior to data acquisition
PI-1000 Respiratory Integrator
The PI-1000 is a low-drift integrator intended primarily for respiratory airflowstudies. Two independent matched integrators allow a variety of breath-by-breathor cumulative volume waveforms to be produced. A wide time-constant range coversthe full range of animal and human measurements. A built-in low-pass filterreduces noise from valve flutter or transducer vibration. The integrator is typically used with a pneumotach, sensitive differential pressure transducer, and transducer amplifier for a complete measurement system.
Standard Features:Very low drift, single breath or cumulative volume, automatic reset
Applications:Respiratory volumes, general purpose signal integration
DI-1040 Eleven-channel Expander Module
Used with the Dataq WinDaq data acquisition system (and others) to providedirect access to channels 6 through 16. It is always used in the sixth module slot (right-hand side), where its outputs are automatically fed to the rear panel 37-pin D-SUB connector. The DI-1040 is used with high-level signals, and is configured by jumpers for +2.5, 5, or 10V input ranges. Custom gain settings can also be configured by resistor selection.
Standard Features:Selectable gain, non-inverting operation, high input impedance, BNC jacks
Applications:Access channels 6 - 16 of data acquisition system
SUPER-Z High-Impedance Head Stage
An auxiliary high-impedance probe for use with the BMA-931 Bioamplifier and other BIOSEB amplifiers using a 7-pin Amphenol input connector. Precision, low-drift input buffers with very high impedance allow the SUPER-Z to be used with any electrode type. Provides switchable 1X/10X gain, a 5-step microvoltcalibrator, and precision DC offset control. Standard 2mm pin jacks for input, with 12-ft cable to amplifier.
ISO-Z Isolation Amplifier Head Stage
A medical-grade isolation amplifier head stage for use with the BMA-931 Bioamplifier and other BIOSEB amplifiers. Provides complete electrical isolation for safe recording from human subjects.Fixed gain of 10X, with pushbutton AC calibrator.TouchProof 1.5mm DIN jacks for input, with adapters supplied for use with 2mm pin plugs.
PS-1000 Series Pressure Transducers
These are differential, solid-state pressure transducers for use with air or non-corrosive gasses only (not for use with liquids).They are accurate, stable, and inexpensive. The PS-1000/A-1 has a range of +70cmH2O, which is ideal for respiratory pressure measurements.Model PS-1000/A-004 has a range of +10cmH2O, and is used with a pneumotach for respiratory airflow measurements.
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