IX-300 Series Recorders provide the high resolution and sensitivity required for cardio hemodynamic research, organ and tissue bath studies, Oocyte clamp and epithelial voltage clamp applications. The recorders are available in 4, 8 and 16 channel models. Each channel is independent, with each having its own 24 bit analog-to-digital converter.
In addition, each channel input is equipped with the appropriate filters and amplification required for the application at hand. This makes the 300 Series a space efficient 'One Box' solution. Setup is plug-and-play easy with connection to PC or MAC computers via the popular USB interface. | A new standard for sensitivity, versatility and ease-of-use |
Domains of application
• Organ/Tissue Bath Study • Oocyte Clamp • Epithelial Voltage Clamp • Cardiac Hemodynamics
Click on one of the next application pictures to maximize the corresponding LabScribe screenshot |  QRS Complex of ECG |  Dose Response Studies |
Operating principleAnalog Outputs:Each channel of the 300 Series Recorders is equipped with an independently programmable 16 bit, +/-10V DAC. All stimulus parameters for each DAC, such as pulse width, frequency and amplitude, may be changed “on-the-fly” using handy controls located in the LabScribe2™ software tool bar. Standard protocols include Pulse, Train, Step, Triangle and Ramp. Each standard protocol allows the quiescent state to be a holding voltage, thereby making it ideal for voltage clamping applications.
Resolution and Noise:Each channel of the 300 Series Recorders employs its own 24 bit A/D converter to sample data over a +/-10 Volt input range. Dedicating a separate A/D to each channel eliminates cross-talk and results in unparalleled sensitivity and quiet operation. A signal-to-noise ratio of up to 1,000,000:1 is achievable with peak-topeak noise as low as 32 microvolts. This exceptional signal-to-noise ratio allows the recording of signals from 1mV to 10V without the need for additional gain. Optional channel isolation is available.
Digital Output:Eight digital output lines are available to control devices such as pumps and valves. Programming the output lines is point-and-click easy, with no complicated scripting language required.
Speed:The sampling speed of the 300 Series Recorders has been optimized to meet the requirements of the applications for which it is intended. The maximum sampling speed is 5 kHz, more than fast enough for cardiovascular, organ bath or voltage clamping applications. Unlike conventional recorders where the sampling speed is aggregate, the maximum sampling rate on the 300 Series Recorders is 5 kHz on all channels, simultaneously.
Software:Although the acquisition process has been made almost transparent, the real power of iWorx research systems rests in the analytical routines that can be applied to research data. The LabScribe data recording software provided with iWorx data acquisition hardware has a powerful array of built-in data analysis tools. It strikes a balance between the straightforward, general operations that everyone uses and the vertical, complex routines that only you use. The result is a powerful analytical tool that can go to work on your data right away, or be customized to do very specific and complex analyses.
Note concerning isolated inputs:
If your application requires galvanic isolation, please use BIO-IX304i, BIO-IX308i or BIO-IX316i models§dl.gif §Homme.gif